The historic church
of the Augustine nuns
of the Mercy of Jesus

The Church of the Augustines-de-l’Hôtel-Dieu-de-Québec, built between 1800 and 1803, is a remarkable example of neoclassical religious architecture in Québec. Located at the heart of the Monastère des Augustines, this church, with its Latin cross layout and single nave, provides an intimate atmosphere of reflection and prayer.

A sacred space, it is also the resting place of Blessed Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin, a significant figure in Canada’s spiritual history. Her shrine, preserved within this historic church, reflects the magnitude of her spiritual devotion and the depth of her selfless offering—a gift of grace that continues to inspire generations and shape the legacy of the Augustines.

We warmly invite you to visit this exceptional site, where architectural beauty and historical richness come together to offer a unique and inspiring experience.

The church also houses a remarkable art collection, including several masterpieces by European artists sent from France in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, highlighting the enduring influence of European sacred art in Québec. Among these works are:


Descente de la croix  d’Antoine Plamondon

The "Descent from the Cross" by Antoine Plamondon

The large painting above the main altar is a reproduction of The Descent from the Cross by Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640), created in 1840 by the Quebecois painter Antoine Plamondon (1804–1895).

La « Vision de sainte-Thérèse d’Avila » de François-Guillaume Ménageot

The “Vision of Saint Teresa of Avila”
by François-Guillaume Ménageot

Painting above the left side altar

Painted around 1785 by François-Guillaume Ménageot (1744–1816), this painting is titled Vision of Saint Teresa of Avila. This work is unique in being the only one still on-site, originating from the Desjardins collection. (See additional information below.)

In 1817, the church received religious paintings acquired by Abbé Philippe-Jean-Louis Desjardins (1753–1833) during the bankruptcy of a French banker. These works included pieces confiscated from Parisian churches during the Revolution. He sent them from France to his brother, Abbé Louis-Joseph Desjardins (1766–1848), who was then chaplain to the Augustinian nuns, as his elder brother had been. These masterworks were intended to adorn the churches of the Diocese of Quebec. They were retouched, displayed, and sold in the Augustinians’ church, which still retains one of them, “The Vision of Saint Teresa of Avila” (1787) by François-Guillaume Ménageot (1744–1816). This painting originated from the Carmelite Convent of Saint-Denis near Paris.

(According to: Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec, Ministry of Culture and Communications of Quebec.)

La « Vision de sainte-Thérèse d’Avila » de François-Guillaume Ménageot

“The Vision of Saint Anthony of Padua”, Unknown Artist

Painting above the right-side altar

The painting titled The Vision of Saint Anthony of Padua is inspired by the work of Ciro Ferri (1634–1689). Painted by an unknown artist before 1803, it was retouched by Louis-Hubert Triaud (1790–1836) between 1829 and 1831.

The painting is believed to have been donated to the Augustinian nuns of the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec in 1803 by Abbé Antoine-Bernardin Robert de la Pommeraie (1757–1826), a priest of the Séminaire de Québec and confessor to the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec from 1796 to 1807. The donation was made as part of a fundraising campaign for the construction of the church. The following year, in 1804, Abbé Robert de la Pommeraie also donated a “Roman-style” altar to the Augustinian nuns for their chapel dedicated to Saint Anthony, as part of the same fundraising campaign. On June 8, 1804, it was decided in a chapter assembly to establish the feast of Saint Anthony in the liturgical calendar of the Augustinian nuns.

(According to: Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec, Ministry of Culture and Communications of Quebec.)

The Reliquary of Blessed Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin

The precious reliquary of Blessed Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin houses her sacred relics, displayed for veneration. This ornate gold reliquary, created in 1717 by Noël Levasseur, features engraved instruments of the Passion on its base and Latin inscriptions honoring her sanctity.

Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin, born in Normandy in 1632, left a profound mark on the history of the Augustinian nuns through her mystical life and her dedication as a hospital nun in Québec. Beatified in 1989, her relics continue to inspire faith and devotion.

Description of the Reliquary

The reliquary is adorned with gold leaves and was crafted by artist Noël Levasseur in 1717. The pedestal was created by artist Jules A. Carrier (Le Cagibi) in the 1950s. The reliquary contains the bones of Blessed Mother Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin, who passed away in 1668.

(According to: Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec, Ministry of Culture and Communications of Quebec.)

La Chasse

The Reliquary Bust of Saint Jean de Brébeuf

This solid silver bust depicts Saint Jean de Brébeuf, a Jesuit missionary and martyr, and contains a visible relic of his skull.

Crafted in France around 1664 by the goldsmith Charles de Poily, this exquisite reliquary serves as a testament to the spiritual bond between Saint Jean de Brébeuf and Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin. Catherine considered Brébeuf her celestial spiritual director, drawing inspiration and guidance from his martyrdom and unwavering faith.
The bust not only honors Brébeuf's sacrifice but also symbolizes the deep connection between two pivotal figures in the spiritual and missionary history of New France.

The Reliquary of Saint Gabriel Lalemant and Saint Charles Garnier

This ossuary houses the relics of the Jesuit saints Gabriel Lalemant and Charles Garnier, martyrs of New France. Encased in a frame adorned with red velvet and golden accents, these relics serve as a source of devotion and remembrance, honoring the ultimate sacrifice of these missionaries for their faith.

Le reliquaire de Saint Gabriel Lalemant et Saint Charles Garnier
Statue de Notre-Dame de Toutes-Grâces

The Statue of Our Lady of All Graces

This statue depicts the Virgin Mary holding the Child Jesus. It was a gift to the Augustinian Sisters of the Hôtel-Dieu of Québec in 1738 from a French sailor, grateful for being saved at sea. Crafted in France, the statue features the Virgin and the Child both crowned.

Rescapée de l’incendie de 1755, la statue a été restaurée par les artistes québécois Antoine Plamondon et Joseph Légaré et occupe désormais une place d’honneur sur l’autel latéral de l’église dédié à la Sainte Vierge.

The Outraged Crucifix

This unique crucifix, preserved in a heart-shaped case, is linked to a fascinating story of divinatory practices in the 18th century. It reflects the challenges and superstitions of the time, while remaining a symbol of the deep faith of the Augustines and their spiritual commitment. It was entrusted to the community by Mgr de Pontbriand in 1744.

Le crucifix outragé
Lampe de sanctuaire
Lampe du sanctuaire

Sanctuary Lamp

Boursier, Claude. 17th century, Silversmith, Paris.

Sanctuary lamp in silver. 1668-1669.

Gift of Daniel de Rémy de Courcelles, 8th Governor of New France from 1665 to 1672. The coat of arms of the Courcelles family is engraved on the sanctuary lamp.

Apostles and Evangelists

A set of 13 paintings representing the 12 apostles and one evangelist (Saint Luke), painted by Louis Dulongpré (1759–1843) and donated to the Augustinian community by the family of Jacques Dénéchaud (1728–1810) in 1805 to adorn the walls of the newly reconstructed church. Louis Dulongpré drew inspiration from the series of engravings SS. Apostolorum Icones (1646–1650) executed by Cornelis Galle the Elder (1576–1650) and Pieter Clouwet (1629–1670), which themselves were inspired by compositions by Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640). It should be noted that the painting representing the evangelist Saint Mark, part of the same collection, is not displayed.

Source: Cultural Heritage Directory of Quebec, Ministry of Culture and Communications of Quebec.

Each of the apostles is depicted with a symbol associated with them. Below is an explanation for each.


Saint Peter


Saint Peter is recognized because he holds a gold key and a silver key. Saint Peter is depicted with keys because, in the Gospel according to Matthew (16:18-19), Jesus declares: "(...) I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." The gold and silver keys symbolize the heavenly and the earthly, respectively.

Saint-Pierre – Clés


Saint Andrew

X-shaped Cross

Saint Andrew is identified here by the cross behind him. The apostle is said to have been crucified under Emperor Nero in Patras in the year 60, on a cross with equal arms in the shape of an "X."

Saint-André – Croix en X


Saint Bartholomew (Nathaniel)


The apostle can be recognized by the knife he holds in his left hand. This object refers to the martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew, who was flayed alive in Armenia.

Saint-Barthélemy (Nathanaël) – Couteau


Saint Matthias


The painting depicts Saint Matthias, recognizable by the axe he holds in his hands, as he was executed by beheading. He is the 13th apostle, chosen to replace Judas.

Saint-Matthias – Hache


Saint Simon


Saint Simon is recognized by the long saw shown behind him in the painting. He is depicted with the saw because, following his death, he was said to have been cut in two.

Saint-Simon – Scie


Saint Matthew


Although Saint Matthew is generally depicted writing the Gospels or as a winged man, he is shown here with the instrument of his martyrdom, a halberd (a type of axe).

Saint-Matthieu – Hallebarde


Saint Thomas


Saint Thomas is depicted holding a spear to symbolize his martyrdom. While traveling in India, the apostle refused to venerate a pagan idol, thereby insulting the city's high priest, who killed him by piercing him with a spear.

Saint-Thomas – Lance


Saint James the Lesser


Saint James the Lesser is identifiable by the club in front of him. He is depicted with a club because it symbolizes the manner of his death. He was reportedly thrown from the top of the temple in Jerusalem. Surviving the fall, he was then struck on the head with a fuller’s rod. Over time, iconographic tradition replaced the rod with a club.

Saint-Jacques le Mineur – Massue


Saint James the Greater

Pilgrim's Staff

Saint James the Greater can be identified by the pilgrim's staff he holds. The apostle is depicted with the attributes of a pilgrim to reference the pilgrimage of Compostela, established in his honor.

Saint-Jacques le Majeur – Pèlerin


Saint Jude


The apostle is depicted here with a square. There is little information about the origin of this iconography, other than the fact that Saint Jude's square represents his role as the architect of the house of God.

Saint-Jude – Équerre


Saint Philip


Saint Philip is identified by the cross he carries, which is the instrument of his martyrdom.

Saint-Philippe – Croix


Saint John


Saint John can be recognized as the youngest apostle-evangelist, holding a chalice in his hand. He is depicted with a chalice to reference his trial by the high priest of the temple of Diana. The priest told him, "If you want me to believe in your God, I will give you poison to drink, and if it harms you not, your God will be the true God." John blessed the chalice before drinking the poison and survived the ordeal.

Saint-Jean l’Évangéliste – Calice


Saint Luke, Evangelist


Saint Luke can be recognized by the bull at his feet. The bull is used as a symbol for this apostle because it is associated with sacrifice, and the Gospel of Luke begins with the mention of Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, a priest of the Jerusalem temple.

Saint-Luc – Bœuf (Évangéliste)

Virtual Tour

You can now visit the Centre Catherine-de-Saint-Augustin from the comfort of your home with a virtual tour.
You can also explore the Church of the Augustines of the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec online via the following link: