Privileged witnesses to the life of Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin

Father Jean Eudes (1601-1680)
Catherine Simon de Longpré grew up with her maternal grandparents in Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte, Normandy. The Launay-Jourdan home was a haven of hospitality for the poor and the unfortunate. Jesuit fathers frequently visited to tend to the sick, encourage them, and provide spiritual and sacramental support. It was also customary for renowned preachers to lead missions. Such was the case in 1643 during the second major mission led by Father Jean Eudes. Catherine de Longpré was certainly present (her name appears in the biography of Marie des Vallées, a mystic of the time) for the teachings of this French Oratorian priest, associated with the French School of Spirituality. In 1648, Father Jean Eudes distinguished himself by composing the Masses and Offices of the Heart of Mary and the Heart of Jesus. It was within this spiritual movement that he founded the Congregation of Jesus and Mary, known as the Eudists.
It is highly likely that under the influence of Father Jean Eudes, Catherine de Longpré made her first Marian consecration at a young age. She renewed this Marian consecration on March 25, 1648, before leaving the monastery in Bayeux for Canada. Following Father Jean Eudes’ advice, she also made three vows: to take the Blessed Virgin as her mother, to never commit any mortal sin, and to live in perpetual chastity.
Moreover, we know that Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin brought the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to this land, a devotion she passed on to the young sisters under her care when she served as novice mistress.

Father Paul Ragueneau, Jesuit (1608-1680)
In June 1636, Father Paul Ragueneau arrived in Quebec after completing his studies in France. The following year, he traveled to Huronia, where he joined Fathers Jean de Brébeuf and Jérôme Lalemant, who introduced him to missionary work. He became the superior of the Huron mission in 1645. He witnessed the martyrdom of his companions, Jean de Brébeuf and Gabriel Lalemant, whose funerals he celebrated and whose bodies he buried on March 20, 1649. It was also during his tenure, after the harsh winter of 1650, that the Hurons emigrated and settled under the protection of the fort in Quebec.
It was in this context that Father Paul Ragueneau met the young Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin. He became her confidant and spiritual director. Father Ragueneau was known as a seasoned man in spiritual matters, deeply imbued with the love of God and ardent in his zeal for souls. Such qualities were essential for accompanying the hospitalier, whose mission was one of complete self-offering for the inhabitants of New France and beyond.
Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin lived a life of profound communion with the sufferings of her beloved Lord, intensifying her spiritual life so that everyone could be freed from the malevolent forces afflicting them. Her desire to relieve others, her brothers and sisters in humanity, and to offer herself for their liberation from their inner prisons, was far from easy. Father Ragueneau quickly understood the depth of her mission in his role as her guide and confessor. However, as Father Ragueneau often traveled, sometimes even to France for special missions, he asked Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin to write down her spiritual and mystical experiences. This allowed him to continue guiding her despite physical distance, with letters exchanged whenever ships arrived or departed.
In this context, Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin's spiritual writings were never intended for publication but served solely as a tool to support her spiritual direction and compensate for the physical absence of her guide. After her death, it was the wish of Bishop François de Laval in 1668 to ask Father Ragueneau to write the life of the woman he regarded as a masterpiece of the Holy Spirit. To him, her heroic charity always marked the sanctity of her life. The Life of Mother Catherine of Saint-Augustin, written by Jesuit Father Paul Ragueneau, was published in 1671.

Saint Jean de Brébeuf, Jesuit (1593-1649)
Through the writings of Father Paul Ragueneau, SJ, we learn about the spiritual bond or mystical encounter between Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin and Father Jean de Brébeuf, SJ. It is important to note that the two never met in person during their lifetimes. Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin arrived in Quebec on August 19, 1648, while Father Jean de Brébeuf died on March 16, 1649, as a missionary in Huronia. He is described as having lived the virtues of sainthood to an eminent degree.
In August 1662, Father Ragueneau was definitively recalled to France by his community. For Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin, this departure was a deeply painful moment, especially since he had been her spiritual guide since she was eighteen years old. She was then entrusted to Father Pierre Chastellain, a Jesuit and missionary companion of Jean de Brébeuf. Marie-Catherine held Father Brébeuf in profound respect and deep devotion, being fully aware of the brutal and heroic end to his life, which was marked by his fiery apostolic zeal.
Her biographer writes: “It was to this great servant of God, to this great apostolic man, to this first apostle of the Hurons, that God entrusted the spiritual care of His servant (...) so that he might serve as her spiritual guide and leader on the difficult and perilous path by which Providence intended to lead her to sainthood” (Ragueneau, p. 114).
Over time, Father Brébeuf would become not only her protector but also her celestial spiritual director. Through his invisible presence, he inspired her to pray and to offer her sufferings for New France. He assisted her and provided her with spiritual support until the end of her life.

Mother Marie Forestier de Saint-Bonaventure (1615-1698)
Mother Saint-Bonaventure, one of the first three Augustinian Sisters to set foot in Canadian territory in 1639, played a key role in establishing the hospital community in New France. A close witness to the arrival of Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin in 1648, she shared two decades of communal life with her, forging deep bonds through a demanding routine of community and hospital work. These years were characterized by a "living together" sustained by communal prayers and faithful observance of the Rule of Saint Augustine, strengthening their mission within a fragile colony.
Mother Saint-Bonaventure is also known for her biographical letter about Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin, written shortly after her death in 1668. Addressed to the hospital communities of France, this circular letter dated October 4, 1668, highlights significant moments in Marie-Catherine's life and her spiritual impact. In her letter, Mother Saint-Bonaventure states:
"What is remarkable is that her humility was so skillful at concealing itself, even from our eyes, that we only learned after her death of all the extraordinary graces God had granted her. Yet her solid virtues, which are the true mark of sanctity, made her known to us as a consummate religious, filled with God, and one who led hearts to Him."
Her role went beyond being a mere witness, as she left her own mark on the history of the foundation. Serving as superior for a total of 22 years, spread over several terms, she helped build and strengthen the Hôtel-Dieu of Quebec.
The testimony of her pious life is further supported by accounts from other community members. In a letter dated 1698, Mother Jeanne-Françoise Juchereau de Saint-Ignace recounts that Mother Saint-Bonaventure was blessed with spiritual visions, including one of Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin’s entrance into heaven:
"Our Lord granted her several extraordinary graces and favors, including the vision of Mother Catherine of Saint-Augustin’s entry into heaven. No doubt, Our Lord provided her this consolation to ease the bitterness of her loss."
Mother Saint-Bonaventure embodied tireless charity, leaving her community and the young colony a profound spiritual and missionary legacy rooted in the service of both souls and bodies.

Saint Marie of the Incarnation (1599-1672)
Foundress of the Ursulines of Quebec, Marie de l’Incarnation shared with Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin a life of intense prayer and a devotion to the mission of evangelization. Both were pioneers of religious life in New France.
The communities of the Ursulines and the Augustines maintained ties sealed by a pact of friendship. Arriving on the same ship in 1639, they supported each other throughout history, especially during fires that forced these communities to live under the same roof.
Marie de l’Incarnation wrote to her son after the death of Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin in 1668:
“She served the poor with admirable strength and vigor. She was the most charitable girl in the world toward the sick, and her charity made her singularly loved by everyone, as well as for her gentleness, her fervor, her patience, her perseverance... Pray to our divine Savior that He may grant me as holy a life and as holy a death as this good girl.”
*Pépin, Denise. 1990, Chroniques… pour une meilleure connaissance de la bienheureuse Catherine de Saint-Augustin d’après les témoins de son temps… Éditions Don Bosco, Collection des Augustines de Bayeux, Caen, 56 pages.

Saint François de Laval (1623-1708)
The first bishop of Quebec was a significant supporter of the Augustines. He and Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin shared a common vision: to establish and strengthen the Catholic Church in New France. Their collaboration was characterized by fervent faith and devotion to serving the sick and the poor.
He often confided in Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin. Regarding him, Mother Saint-Bonaventure wrote the following after Catherine’s death:
“He consulted her very often and entrusted her with the most important affairs of his diocese, admiring the insights and knowledge that God gave her on all things, even into the most hidden depths of consciences.”
(Paul Ragueneau, La vie de la Mère Catherine de Saint-Augustin, p. 213).

Pope John Paul II (1920-2005)
Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin was declared Venerable in 1984 and Blessed in 1989 by John Paul II.
Pope John Paul II officially recognized her life as one of heroic charity and perpetual offering to the poor and the sick. Their spiritual connection is deeply rooted in Marian devotion, a profound love for the Church, and the unfolding of the graces of Baptism, which she embraced as a vibrant call to holiness.