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Feast of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary
Happy Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary! On this day following the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we celebrate the Heart full of love of our Mother, whose Heart is profoundly united to that of her Son. Our Lady reminds us of her marvelous promise: in the end, her Immaculate Heart will…
Read more...We celebrate Saint François de Laval
Today, May 6, we celebrate Saint François de Laval! The first bishop of the Americas, he is the father of our Church in Canada. A man of the Gospel, of heart, and filled with the love of the Lord. The Indigenous peoples called him “Hariaouagui”, meaning “the man of the great affair,” and rightly so.…
Read more...Anniversary of the Perpetual Vows of Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin
376 years ago, Catherine of Saint-Augustin was passing through Nantes. The day before, on May 3, 1648, she celebrated her 16th birthday. At the age of 15, she had already offered herself to the mission in Canada and vowed to live and die there if only God would open the door for her. Little could…
Read more...HAIL… OUR LADY
We are thrilled to officially announce the opening of our new exhibition, HAIL… OUR LADY. The Catherine-de-Saint-Augustin Center presents its new exhibition, which highlights the richness of Marian spirituality in the life of Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin and the history of the Augustines of the Mercy of Jesus. This exhibition also showcases an impressive collection of…