to Prayer

We invite you to pray and reflect, drawing inspiration from the following prayers, as well as from the novena and litanies dedicated to Blessed Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin.


O Mary,
who, to remind us of your universal mediation, have desired to be honored under the title of Our Lady of all Graces, grant us, through your Divine Son, the blessings of life, the riches of grace, and the splendor of glory. Amen.

O Mary, Mediatrix of all graces,
Pray for us.


O Mary,
against the scourge of fire and all the afflictions of soul and body, protect us.

O Mary, Mother of the Redeemer,
we love to invoke you under the title of Our Lady of Protection, because you love us and watch over us.

Watch over the men and women of this world, over the elderly and the young in particular. Watch over our Holy Father the Pope, the pastors, and the entire Church.

May Christians, with you, be stronger in their faith and more faithful to the Gospel. May they desire to serve their brothers and sisters, and may priestly and religious vocations multiply.

O Our Lady of Protection,
guard our hearts, our minds, and our bodies; guard our souls, and grant the world peace—God's peace. Amen.



Lord Jesus,

For Your glory and the good of souls,
deign to glorify Your humble spouse,
the faithful servant of the poor and the sick,
the Blessed Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin,
whom You associated with Your sufferings for the salvation of the Canadian homeland.
Grant her the grace to assist us by obtaining the favors we ask through her intercession.


To pray longer…

Litanies of Blessed Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin
(Original English version written by Elisabeth Holland)

Lord, have mercy on us. (bis)
Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. (bis)
Lord, have mercy on us. (bis)
Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.
Heavenly Father, who are God, have mercy on us.

Son, Redeemer of the world, who are God, have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit, who are God, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, who are one God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, pray for us.
Blessed Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin,
Blessed Catherine, who had a great desire to do God’s will,
Blessed Catherine, raised by her grandparents to love the poor and the sick,
Blessed Catherine, who entered the Monastery of Bayeux to offer herself to the Lord at the age of twelve,
Blessed Catherine, full of compassion, tenderness, modesty, and faithfulness,
Blessed Catherine, invincible in patience,
Blessed Catherine, tireless in charity,
Blessed Catherine, humble, courageous, and kind to all,
Blessed Catherine, virtuous in all things to a heroic degree,
Blessed Catherine, a victim for souls, especially those in purgatory,
Blessed Catherine, a missionary, who vowed to live and die in Canada,
Blessed Catherine, united with Jesus on the Cross,
Blessed Catherine, struck by the plague during the crossing aboard the ship “Le Cardinal” and healed by the Virgin Mary,
Blessed Catherine, called by the Indigenous people “the one who makes the inside more beautiful,”
Blessed Catherine, devoted to the service of the poor and the sick,
Blessed Catherine, chosen by God to fight spiritual battles against demons (forces of evil) in Canada,
Blessed Catherine, who had Father Jean de Brébeuf as her heavenly director,
Blessed Catherine, devoted to the cause of the First Nations of Quebec,
Blessed Catherine, a soul chosen by God for exceptional graces,
Blessed Catherine, co-founder of the Church in Canada, through her life offered for the salvation of the country,
Blessed Catherine, our compatriot, our very dear friend,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Pardon us, Jesus.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, Jesus.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us, Jesus.
Jesus, hear us, Jesus, graciously hear us.

Novena in Honor of the Blessed Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin

You are invited to embark on a nine-day journey of prayer (novena) through the intercession of the Blessed Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin.

Take time to create a prayerful atmosphere within and around you. A spirit of surrender is required, allowing you to receive what will be most beneficial for yourself and the person for whom you are seeking a favor. Read the text for the corresponding novena day, and take a moment for silent meditation and inner reflection.

Now, address the Blessed Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin by reciting the following prayer and inserting your request:

Lord Jesus,
for Your glory and the salvation of souls,
deign to glorify Your humble bride,
the faithful servant of the poor and the sick,
the Blessed Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin,
whom You associated with Your sufferings
for the salvation of the Canadian homeland.
Grant that she may assist us (state your intention here...)
by obtaining the graces we ask of You through her intercession.

You may also add the following prayers:
Hail Mary...
Our Father...
Glory Be...

Blessed Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin, pray for us.

If you wish, you may share your prayer intention with us so we can unite in prayer with you and give thanks for the assistance obtained or to come through the intercession of the Blessed Marie-Catherine of Saint-Augustin.

Source : La vie de Mère Catherine de Saint-Augustin. Paul Ragueneau, s.j. 1671
